Hello Patrons and Kitty Friends!
The Orchard with Dee, held on Wednesdays @3PM SLT.
Panels are 1L. There will be a raffle, free panel giveaways, prizes and amazing kittens brought by our community's talented breeders.
Current Line-Up:
8T F TOY Burmilla Blue Shaded with Odyssey Flutterby, Blush, Super Posh, Scotty Fold, Latte and Double Dreamy. ~Johny (Special Panel)
9T M Russian White with Destiny Skyline, Twinkle, Curious, Scotty Fold, White and Dreamy. ~Dee (Auctioneer Panel)
8T M Pandie Brown and White with Blacklight, Illume, Chop Chop, Mysterious and Dreamy. ~Miss Kitty
8T M Burmese Sable with Galaxy Gator, Flair, Mysterious, Scotty Fold, Black and Double Plush. & 7T F Burmese Sable with Galaxy Gator, Mysterious, Scotty Fold, White and Fussy. ~Lexi
8T M Tiger! Golden Ticket with Twilight, Plush, Tufted, Cream and Double Dreamy. ~Nitah
9T F Toyger Silver with Soul Whisper, Twinkle, Puff, Odyssey Equine, 2 Tone Black and White and Lush. ~Johny
9T F Abyssinian Lilac with Serendipity Stare, Twinkle, Posh, Scotty Fold, Blonde Streaked and Double Plush. ~Missy
→ → 1T M MEGAPUSS SweetCatS! 2 - SPECIAL LOVE Boy. ~Tazzy ← ←
9T M TOY Burmilla Chocolate Silver Shaded with Royal Sapphire, Twinkle, Super Posh, Scotty Fold, Black and Sassy. ~Eddy
9T M&F Toyger Blue with Dry Olive, Blush, Fluffy, Tufted, Chocolate Tipped and Swanky Lite. ~Gia
9T M Abyssinian Dark Chocolate with Crystal Crush, Flash, Bent Boo Boo, Soft Curl, Black and Fussy. ~Marissa
9T M Australian Mist Lilac Marble with Galaxy Moon, Flair, Curious, Mysterious Odyssey Fold, Black and Plush. ~Caroline
8T M Toyger Snow with Grey Matter, Twinkle, Super Posh, Soft Curl and Chocolate Tipped Flame. ~Ivy Norsk
Cat Mat Listings: http://cat.kittycats.de/lsstage.php?id=45
Only 50L! Brought by: Gia (Geeha) 9T M Bengal Blue with Unity Song, Blush, Sporty, Scotty Fold, Black and Double Stubby!