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Auction Schedule

CatTales has KittyCatS auctions each week at the following times:


All CatTales auctions share the same rules, which are as follows:

  1. Minimum Opening Bid: L$300.  Opening bids can be a decision.  We estimate it costs approximately L$300 to create that kitty, so we feel that this is a good starting point.  


    2. Seven (7) traits or more, OR something new or rare/special. We want to see                  what  you are breeding.  So we request that all kitties have a minimum of seven          (7) traits.  Now we do make exception for new traits that you may have                          discovered, if you have any questions please ask your auctioneer.  


    3. Panels must be set up no later than 24 hours prior to auction.  We ask that you            please allow your auctioneer plenty of time to advertise your cat, and time to go          over the pedigree to sort out potential hidden traits.   Cats do not have to be live,          but we do recommend it, highly! You will earn CatTales Catnip for setting up on            time and/or for having your kitty live on the panel.  For set-up, you must have              your cat placed (boxed or live) no later than 24 hours.  


    4. Please do not place a cat with the same fur as another patron.  If you absolutely          have no other cat to place on your panel, you may set a cat with the same fur if,            and only if, the cat is the opposite gender of the one already placed. Diversity in            an auction is important, so please be kind and take a look at what is already                  placed. 


    5. One cat per panel per auction. We will allow the sale of twins or sibling breeding          pairs, however these are the only exceptions to this rule.


    6. You must own at least one grandparent of your KittyCat.  New traits are not                  necessarily exceptions to this rule, but there may be times and situations where          auctioneers may make allowances, such as when partners and friends are                    known to breed or share cats together. We also understand that you may have              sold the grandparents or even the parents.  Talk to your auctioneer and let them          know.  A simple screen shot of your pedigree will usually clear that right up!

CatTales KittyCats Market-Second Life

© 2023 by CatTales KittyCats Market

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