We have some Fabulous kitties up on the Raffle Boards! They are in 2 locations on CatTales, Kitty Cove and Gypsy Camp.
Enter as many times as you would like! Good Luck!
-- Location 1: Kitty Cove (Drawing Sunday the 16th after the 6PM SLT Auction) --
LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Little%20Sprites/127/223/22
5T F MEGAPUSS Tiger! BubbleGum with Glitter Sassy and White. Only 75L!! ~Louisa
TWIN BIGGER DE BIG SweetCatS! 2 - SPECIAL LOVE Boy. Only 75L!! ~Trees
6T M TEACUP Burmilla Lilac Shaded with FlowerChild Dylan, Stubby, Odyssey No.2, Black and Sassy. Only 75L!! ~Celia
9T F Tiger! Turquoise with Serendipity Glow, Blush, Fluffy, Scotty Fold, Flame and Light Wave. Only 69L!! ~Mel
Perma - Pet! MonSter MaSh - TERRIBLE TAUNTER. Only 100L!! ~Oriana
6T F MEGAPUSS Russian Blue with FlowerChild Groovy, Super Posh, Tufted and Chocolate Tipped. Only 100L!! ~Sannie
9T M Toyger Tawny with Galaxy Star, Illume, Tiger Curl, Tufted, Chocolate Tipped Flame and Double Dreamy. Only 70L!! ~Josh
--Location 2: Gypsy Camp (Drawing Monday the 17th after the 11AM SLT Auction)--
LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Little%20Sprites/222/131/22
Boxed Set! uberCatS! - Dare & uberCatS! - Truth (Special 1st Birth) Only 100L!! ~Miss Kitty Kat
5T F MEGAPUSS Burmilla Lilac Shaded with Unity Song, Chocolate Tipped and Dreamy. Only 75L!! ~Sannie
8T M Australian Mist Ginger with Meditation Bliss, Blush, Posh, Scotty Fold, Cream and Double Stubby. Only 69L!! ~Eddy
2T F TOY SpiderCatS! - Hallow! Only 50L!! ~Lexi
9T F Toyger Silver with Onyx, Flair, Fluffy, Equine, Black and Double Plush. Only 69L!! ~Eddy