Forest Temple Auction on CatTales! 12 Panels for 50L. Raffle! And Free Panel Giveaways!
Line Up:
9T F Burmilla Chocolate Caramel with Destiny Waters, Illume, Frisky, Odyssey Equine, Chocolate Tipped and Double Plush. ~Mike
9T F Toyger Snow qwith Soul Whisper, Illume, Super Posh, Scotty Fold, Cream and Wavy. ~Louisa
9T M Maine Coon Plush Calico Washed with Odyssey Burst, Flair, Lush, Boo Boo, Chocolate Tipped and Double Snappy. ~Dee (AP)
9T M Toyger Snow with Soul Whisper, Twinkle, Super Posh, Tufted, Chocolate and Double Dreamy. ~Celia
8T M Ocicat Tawny with Galaxy Star, Blush, Fluffy, Scotty Fold, Chocolate Tipped and Myterious. ~Colleen
8T M Ocicat Blue with Odyssey Crystal Rose, Twinkle, Fussy, Rounded, White and Double Plush. ~Lexi
9T F BIGGER DE BIG Bengal Snow with Galaxy Nebula, Twinkle, Posh, Scotty Fold, Dusky and Double Plush. ~China
9T F Toyger Tawny with Tapestry Harvest, Blush, Fluffy, Scotty Fold, Blonde Streaked and Double Plush. ~Missy
9T F Bengal Black with Sunset Twinkle, Fluffy, Soft Curl, Black and Plush. ~Cass
9T M&F Ocicat Lavender with Fancie Dusky Diamond, Twinkle/Blush, Frisky, Big Boo Boo, Blonde Streaked/Latte and Mysterious/Dreamy. ~Eddy
9T F Siamese Chocolate Tortie with Dry Olive, Illume, Dreamy, Scotty Fold, Chocolate and Dreamy. ~Adana
9T M Toyger Tawny with Unity Song, Porcelain, Lush, Odyssey Rounded Fold, Butterscotch and Double Dreamy. ~Bess
8T F Chateau Cat Cocoa and White No.2 with Illume, Fussy, Rounded, White and Dreamy. ~Kenzie
9T F Tiger! Turquoise with Grey Matter, Blush, Sashay, Tufted, Flame and Dreamy. ~Claudette
9T M&F Foxie Soft Black with Jade, Blush, Tiger Curl, Wild Tiger, Chocolate Tipped Flame and Dreamy. ~Keira
Raffle Info:
Brought By: Celia-Candi Tsin (kittylips2012)
Price: 50L (ACTIVE)
8T F Abyssinian Platinum with Odyssey Flutterby, Twinkle, Super Posh, Chocolate Tipped and Swanky Lite!