Forest Temple Auction on CatTales! 12 Panels for 50L. Raffle! Trivia! And Free Panel Giveaways!
Line Up:
9T M&F Siamese Seal with Odyssey Dream, Porcelain, Posh/Dreamy, Scotty Fold, Latte and Odyssey FrazzyWave. ~Evely
8T M Foxie Soft Black with Destiny Rivers, Illume, Frisky, Mysterious Odyssey Fold, White and Double Plush. ~Dee (AP Panel)
9T Russian White with Royal Sapphire, Blush, Mysterious, Soft Curl, White and Plush. ~Nicky
8T M Russian Black with Grotto, Tiger Curl, Tiger Fold, Butterscotch Tipped Black and Double Plush. ~Nitah
9T M Chateau Cat Pink and White No.1 with Onyx, Twinkle, Fluffy, Tufted, Cream and Plush. ~Celia
9T M&F Tiger! Golden Ticket with Marble Magic, Illume/Twinkle, Super Posh, Scotty Fold, Chocolate Tipped/Chocolate Tipped Flame and Light Wave. ~China
9T M BIGGER DE BIG Toyger Caramel with Destiny Skyline, Blush, Fluffy, Pixie Point, Chocolate Tipped and Swanky Lite. ~Kiera
9T M Ocicat Black with Key Lime, Twinkle, Curious, Pointed Soft Fold, White and Plush. ~Ares
2T F Confetti BlueBerry with Changing Leaf. ~Eddy
7T M American Shorthair Blue and White Tabby with Exotic Journey, Plush, Scotty Fold, Cream and Lite Dream. & 8T F American Shorthair Blue and White Tabby with Odyssey Magic, Big Boo Boo, Dreamy Fold, Cream and Lite Dream. ~Lexi
7T F Tiger! Pinkie Winkie with Meditation Bliss, Posh, Pixie Point, Chocolate Tipped Flame and Double Dreamy. ~Occi
8T M&F Toyger Blue with Serendipity Stare, Super Fussy, Tufted, Flame and Plush. ~Sherridon
8T M Toyger Caramel with Odyssey Magic, Twinkle, Fluffy, Pointed Soft Fold, Latte and Fussy. ~Colleen
7T F Ocicat Blue with FlowerChild Byrds, Porcelain, Fluffy, Rounded and Dreamy. ~Tazzy
Raffle: Only 50L! (ACTIVE)
Brought By: Dr. Қeηžie Bгαveheαгt (kenzie1770)
8T M Russian White with Double Dip Flora, Twinkle, Mysterious, Pointed Soft Fold, White and Mysterious!